Holocaust book club reflection

1- What does learning about the life of the main character in your book teach you about how you want to live your own life?

  Reading through the life of Elie and what terrible things he had gone through and lived through really had changed my perspective of things over all.  Reading through Night gave me a perspective I have never read before. It showed the terrible hate that Jewish people had to experience even when they didn’t do anything wrong, in reality these people were bystanders who listened to all the hateful and disrespectful things Hitler had to say. It makes you wonder how different things would’ve been if Hitler would’ve kept his opinions to himself.  On page 113 it states  “ I spent my days in total idleness. With only one desire: to eat. I no longer thought of my father, or my mother. From time to time, I would dream. But only about soup, An extra ration of soup.” Reading this book had made me realize how people should be treated and no matter what race and religion you are you should be treated like the human you are. Jews were tortured so much, they barley had any emotion. From reading this book, I will make sure to have more respect for everyone and their feelings and make sure to get through hard task.

2- How do the choices people made during the rise of the Nazi Party and the Holocaust teach us about the power and impact of our choices today?

 Choices made during the rise of the Nazi Party and the Holocaust impact our choices decisions  today greatly. The Nazi party’s decisions were horrible. I feel like we can all learn from this experience and do better for the people who live in this worlds sake. On page 110 paragraph two it states. “ The Doctor cannot do anything more for him. And neither can you.” As well as Paragraph 3 “Let me give you some good advice: stop giving your ration of bread and soup to your old father. You cannot help him anymore.” Elie had made a very tough decision when it came to letting his father pass away and as people we need to learn that our decisions have long term affects because if we don’t who knows if history can repeat itself and it’s important to be aware of the terrible things that had happened in the past.


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